The Asian Shooting Confederation (ASC) extend its collective gratitude and appreciation to the people, government of Kazakhstan particularly Ministry of Culture and Sports, President of Kazakhstan Sports Shooting Federation H.E. Berik Assylov, Secretary General H.E. Oleg Pochivalov for hosting the 10th Asian Shotgun Championship and 35th ASC Executive Committee in Almaty.
The Kazakhstan Sports Shooting Federation and Organizing Committee made great efforts for the successful organization of this Asian Championship. More than 130 participants from 13 countries are participating in this championship, which includes a total of 10 events.
On the sidelines of 10th Asian Shotgun Championship, the 35th ASC Executive Committee meeting was held in Rixos hotel on 29-July-2022. The meeting entailed important topics to improve the shooting sport in Asia, preparations for the upcoming Asian Shooting Championships and Cups in 2023 and 2024, and qualification system for Paris Olympic Games 2024. The ASC President and Executive Committee members greatly appreciated the hospitality and outstanding arrangements to make the meeting successful.
Finally, the ASC appreciates the cooperation of the government of Kazakhstan, organizing committee, and all member federations for their support and solidarity. It is important to encourage each other and share thoughts and aims to improve the shooting sport in Asia.
ASC Headquarters
Address: PO.Box 195, Hawally 32002, KUWAIT
Tel: +965 1840040 Ext.: 225,227 and 324
Fax: +965 24676303
Email: [email protected]
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