The ISSF Executive Committee meeting took place on 2nd September 2022 in Larnaca, Cyprus. The ISSF Executive Committee members approved schedule of events connection with General Assembly.
The updated Calendar of 2023 ISSF championships was approved. That includes: 6 World Cups Rifle/Pistol, 6 World Cups Shotgun, 2 Grand Prix 10m, 1 Grand Prix Shotgun, where athletes can take Ranking points for Olympic Qualification.
It was decided that the ISSF World Championship All events 2023 will take place in Baku, Azerbaijan.
Competition formats for all Olympic events were approved. It will be publish on the ISSF website in coming days.
Proposal of the Asian Shooting Confederation to have 2 Bronze medals in Team events same as in Mixed Team events was discussed. It was decided to introduce such approach in case there are 8 or more team entered in event.
ExCo members were informed about the preparation to Paris-2024 and that the shooting sport is included to the Olympic Qualifiers program. Finals from the European Championship Shotgun where the first Quota places to Olympic Games-2024 were already broadcasted on the Olympic Channel with special logo of Paris-2024.
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