In cooperation with Kuwait Shooting Federation (KSF), the Asian Shooting Confederation (ASC) conducted the 10th Asian Youth Training Camp (Skeet) that was scheduled from 20-27 January 2023. The sole aim of this camp is to elevate and improve the theoretical and practical skills of youth shooters and national coaches in Asia. A total of 10 participants (7 shooters and 3 coaches) registered from 4 member federations benefited from this camp. The 10th Asian Youth Training Camp is sponsored by the Asian Kuwait Fund and International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) Development Fund.
The youth training camps not only offered an opportunity to get world class shooting training to the participants but also provided theoretical knowledge. An Anti-Doping course given by Dr. Ali AlMelhai and Mr. Mohammad Theyab from Kuwait Anti-Doping agency. Moreover, other courses which were Sport Science (Psychology) by Dr. Ahmad Alqallaf and Sport Science (Training Science) given by Dr. Abdullah Akbar, whom both are academic professors from Public Authority for Applied Education and Technology (PAAET).
The youth training camps provided a platform to a large number of athletes and coaches from various backgrounds to meet and share their knowledge, expertise and ideas. Such camps are surely a rewarding experience for all participants, coaches, and delegates.
The 10th Asian Youth Training Camp was instructed by Mr. Jan Henrich from Germany and Mr. Carlos Benediot as assistant instructor. The aim of the Camp is to give a fundamental training to the youth and improve coaching skills of national coaches. Hence, the camp included practical active shooting and theoretical in-class lectures. Most participants were beginners, however according to Mr. Jan, he saw a good progress and development of the participants shooting skills. He pointed out that he is not training them to shoot better but to develop future skeet champions for International Championships. The Course Instructor remarked that the coaches learnt as much as the shooters which were very important to have a productive and long-lasting effect on, not only the shooters but also the rest of the member federation.
Furthermore, organizers arranged a grand ceremony to conclude 10th Asian training camp which took place at ASC VIP Hall. Mr. Jan Henrik, camp instructor delivered the final speech about the 10th Asian youth Training Camp and Coaching Course Skeet – 2023 Kuwait. Moreover, Camp instructor Mr. Jan Henrik and ASC staff Mr. Ahmed Butaiban distributed the certificates and gifts to all participants.
Finally, all participants and ASC staff were invited by H.E. Sheikh Salman AlSabah and ASC Secretary General Eng. Duaij AlOtaibi to Babel Restaurant for lunch. The ASC President delivered his thanks and appreciation speech to the camp instructor Mr. Jan Henrik and hisefforts, congratulated future Skeeter champions for their keenness to participant and benefit, and thanked the organizers for valuable contribution in Asian Shooting Development.
ASC Headquarters
Address: PO.Box 195, Hawally 32002, KUWAIT
Tel: +965 1840040 Ext.: 225,227 and 324
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Email: [email protected]
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