Asian Shooting Confederation (ASC) continued to proceed with its second day of 10th Asian youth training camp Skeet 2023. It was further observed that Mr. Jan Henrik training camp instructor exerted his utmost efforts and great guidance towards all the shooting participants in order to bring the best outcome from the members.
Moreover, upon completion of this training session it was scheduled to have an Anti-doping course from Kuwait Anti-doping agency to all the participants. Mrs. Ameenah chairperson of ASC medical and Anti-Doping Committee welcomed the participants and gave a brief about Medical and Anti-Doping program. Consequently, she introduced Dr. Ali Abdulla AlMelahi and Mr. Muhammad Bader Abdullah Thayyib, whom gave the lectures on Anti-Doping.
After that, participants were attend sports science with emphasis in sports psychology which was beneficial to attending shooters and coaches. Sport science event was lectured by Dr.Ahmed AlQallaf, a professor at Public Authority of Applied Education and Technologies.
ASC Headquarters
Address: PO.Box 195, Hawally 32002, KUWAIT
Tel: +965 1840040 Ext.: 225,227 and 324
Fax: +965 24676303
Email: [email protected]
09:00AM to 01:00PM
05:00PM to 09:00PM
GMT + 3:00
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