The Asian Shooting Confederation (ASC) has announced that the 15th Asian Shooting Championship 2023 will be held at the Changwon city, Korea.The competition will take place from 22 October to 02 November 2023, and will see top shooters from across Asia compete in various events.
All participating federations have been asked to complete the related forms and return them by the set deadlines. All ASC member federations must make their entries through their national federation. The organizing committee, led by Competition Managers and Technical Delegates for Rifle / Pistol and Shotgun has also provided contact details for any queries related to the event.
The Asian Shooting Championship holds great prestige in the shooting world, and South Korea has previously hosted successful editions of the competition. The organizing committee eagerly anticipates welcoming shooters from across Asia to South Korea for the event in 2023.
Organizing Committee Korean Shooting Federation
• Competition Managers:
Mr. Hyochul LEE, KOR – Rifle/Pistol/RT
Mr. Inyeon NAM, KOR – Shotgun
• Technical Delegates:
Mr. K.S. Henry Indrayani OKA, INA - Rifle/Pistol/RT
Mr. Bhattakarka BUNNAG, THA - Shotgun
Organizing Committee – Contact Details +82-02-979-4407 / 4404
E-mail: [email protected]
Website :
ASC Headquarters
Address: PO.Box 195, Hawally 32002, KUWAIT
Tel: +965 1840040 Ext.: 225,227 and 324
Fax: +965 24676303
Email: [email protected]
09:00AM to 01:00PM
05:00PM to 09:00PM
GMT + 3:00
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