The Asian Shooting Confederation (ASC) has successfully uploaded the results book of the Asian Rifle Pistol Cup 2023, which was held from March 01 to March 10, 2023, in Jakarta, Indonesia. The event featured some of the top shooters from across the continent, who competed in various rifle and pistol events.
The competition was organized by the Asian Shooting Confederation (ASC) in partnership with the Indonesian Shooting Association (ISHA), and was held at Senayan Shooting Range, Jakarta, Indonesia. The event was a great success, with a large number of participants and spectators.
The results book, which has now been uploaded by the ASC, contains all the details about the competition, including the final scores and rankings of all the participants. The book is available on the ASC website for all shooting enthusiasts and fans to access.i
The ASC has expressed its gratitude to the ISHA and all the participants for making the event a huge success.
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